Angular ERROR in Cannot determine the module for class AddUpdateUsersComponent Add AddUpdateUsersComponent to the NgModule to fix it

Updated on: November 15, 2019

When you are getting the below error, check for following steps whether you have missed anything:

Error: ERROR in Cannot determine the module for class AddUpdateUsersComponent in F:/MyWebsites/UserManagementApp/src/app/Users/add-update-users/add-update-users.component.ts! Add AddUpdateUsersComponent to the NgModule to fix it. 


1. Check whether the component exists in the solution

2. If component exists in the solution, check for it exists in app.module.ts file in @NgModule declarations

3. If it is not exists in @NgModule declarations, add your component name to it

4. If it is already exists in the @NgModule declarations, remove it from declarations & from the import statement and re-add it again the @NgModule declarations & in the import statement

4. Now execute following command in the command prompt or in Terminal of Visual Studio Code to check whether it builds properly: 

ng build   
ng build --prod

5. Now, you will find that error will get removed